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Who am I?

First and foremost, I am a problem solver. For me, tackling difficult problems is where I am most creative and where I grow the most as a person. I seek opportunities where I can be let loose on a project to find a solution. I believe that’s why starting my own business appealed so much to me. I saw it as one of the most complex multifaceted problems available to a someone in my position.

In a team I often find my strength is as a facilitator. This can come in the form of a team manager, project leader or customer facing role. I find myself stepping up when things get stressful and doing what I can to get the very best out of those around me.

In terms of skillset, I am a jack of all trades. Running your own little business requires it and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Having skills over many different areas allows you to see new approaches that others haven’t considered. These skills range all the way from social media marketing, all the way to customer/client comms and system designer.

Lastly, as someone who has run a team in the past, I understand that being easy to work with is a top quality in any role. I would describe myself as confident, amicable and good fun in any group setting. I always keen to learn and helping others is what gives me energy.

Key Skills

  • Although most of my experience has been B2B, I have a knack for maintaining great relationships with clients. I like to straddle the line between casual and professional with most of my interactions. Making people feel comfortable when dealing with me and my business is a top priority.

  • During both my time at Weta workshop and my own businesses, I have developed and built upon the many skills required to manage and coordinate creative projects.

    Apart from the ability to plan and adapt when that plan changes, I think its being personable and a clear communicator that makes me a great project manager.

  • For over 10 years I have used 3D modeling and visualisation to bring my designs to life. I believe everyone is a visual learner and there is no better way to communicate an idea than in three dimensions.

    I have developed very advanced 3D modeling skills that stretch from Design for Manufacture all the way to rendering and web applications.

  • Over the last few years of running my own businesses, I have developed a passion for system design and automation. We now live in a world where online software can remove many of the tasks that come between us and the important work we need to do.

    I make a conscious effort to keep up with the latest tools available to businesses and have a special interest in the cutting edge technology such as AI.

Key Projects

Here are a small selection of some of my projects from the last few years.

Dubai Expo 2020

Designed, built and delivered the kinetic sculpture ‘Missing Link’ for the Dubai Expo 2020

It was delivered to Dubai as part of the Finnish pavilion. It was the main feature of the exhibit for a number of months.

See video here

Business Finland


Ghost In The Shell - Costume

One of the many projects I worked on during my time at Weta. I was part of the small team responsible for creating Scarlett Johansson’s stealth suit for the film ‘Ghost in the Shell’ released in 2017

Weta Workshop


EnviroBasin Marketing

Working with EnviroBasin to explain and market their innovative stormwater solution products with beautiful imagery and animations that have been shown at conferences all around the world.

See one of the videos here

Stormwater 360 (EnviroBasin)


Work History and Study

  • Gained a Bachelor of Design majoring in Industrial design with Honours. This was completed at Massey University in Wellington, NZ.

  • I began my time at Weta Workshop as a model maker in the props department. I eventually worked my way into the 3D department where I finessed my skills in 3D CAD, visualisation and digital fabrication. I eventually ended up co-managing the department before leaving to pursue my on business in mid 2018.

  • I began Dreambox along with my business partner Euan Gray. Coming from a creative background it wasn’t easy to learn the skills necessary to run a small business but learning those skills have proven to be some of the most rewarding experiences in my life.

    Dreambox Studio eventually found its true value as a content creation company. Mostly servicing product manufacturers who had complex products that were complicated to explain or difficult to photograph.

  • Another small business that I started. This was my first experience with designing, manufacturing and fulfilling my own products. The product is based around a tabletop game that I’ve played for many years and had a good understanding of the market/audience. It blends the world of systemized digital fabrication and e-commerce to bring custom designs to customers mostly based in the USA.

Reference One

Euan Gray

Business Partner and Colleague


Mobile: +64 27 592 8083

Reference Two

Jake Evill

Weta Workshop Colleague


Mobile: +64 22 128 6609

Contact Info


+64 276302728